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Best Practices

Creating a “Virtual Office”: How Remote Teams Thrive Using HubSpot

Remote work is no longer a temporary trend—it's here to stay. 85% of managers believe that remote work will become the new norm. And it's not just about flexibility; remote workers report feeling 22% happier in their jobs compared to their in-office counterparts. As more organizations embrace this shift, creating an effective virtual workspace becomes essential for fostering teamwork, visibility, and productivity.

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Twitter vs. Threads: Why Twitter is Still Important for Social Media Marketers

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses face a constant conundrum – which platforms should they invest in for maximum impact? Recently, Instagram introduced "Threads," a companion app designed for more intimate sharing with select friends. However, amidst these new tools, one platform has remained a stalwart in marketing outreach: Twitter. This article will delve into why Twitter, even in the face of newer platforms like Threads, continues to be an excellent choice for marketing outreach.

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How to Deal with Negative Reviews on Social Media

The power that social media and reviews have on your business is huge. A whopping 90% of customers seek out products or services with online reviews, and 88% trust the reviews they read.

What do your reviews say about your company?

Everyone loves positive reviews, but negative reviews are sometimes hard to hear and frustrating. Don't worry. We're going to show you how they can actually be an opportunity to showcase your work ethic, character, and professionalism.

If you’ve had a negative review and are trying to figure out the best way to handle it, here’s what you need to know.

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