Posts by

Daniel Rodriguez

Why Marketing Isn't A Marathon

Marketing is often compared to a marathon: a long and arduous journey that requires endurance and perseverance. But it’s an analogy that isn’t entirely accurate. Well at least not effective marketing. 

Unlike a marathon, marketing strategies should never rely on a single-person putting their head down and pushing through to the finish line. That element of long-winded entrepreneurial stamina is commendable no doubt, but it doesn’t make for an effective or sustainable marketing approach. Effective marketing has far more in common with a relay race, where multiple team members and marketing avenues come together to win the race. So lace up your running shoes and get ready to whip your marketing strategy into shape.

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Why HubSpot Implementation is Like a Blind Date

The blind date - a peak romantic adrenaline rush in a pre-Tinder world. You could know every single resume detail about your date and still not be prepared for the reality of meeting them. Would there be sparks, awkward pauses, or catastrophe? But the most delightful surprise was  hitting it off with someone you thought you’d have nothing in common with. Those were the dates you walked away from with not only a new connection with another person, but a renewed sense of yourself.

HubSpot integration is pretty much like that. t’s a learning journey. And even though you know which boxes will be ticked during the process, you’ll be amazed at how enriching the experience of seeing it all come together can be. 

So how does the HubSpot implementation process change the way you see your business and its possibilities? Glad you asked!

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Blog Lead Generation
9 Tips To Writing The Perfect Email

Communication in the workplace, whether with clients, vendors or employees, is crucial to the productivity and growth of your small business. In a recent blog about reducing phone time in the office, we discussed different ways to manage both incoming and outgoing phone calls. But when you need to send an email, there’s a right way and a wrong way to get your message across. Before you hit send on your next email, review this detailed email guide to make sure your email is as effective as possible

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key rockstart project manager traits
The Rockstar Project Manager Series: 5 Character Traits of a Rockstar Project Manager

Running a startup is no small feat. It requires organization, dedication, focus, teamwork, patience, self-discipline, and hard work. The first step in setting your startup for success is making sure it’s led by someone who is qualified and competent. Granted, you could do without the smoke machines and stage lighting, but who doesn't want a 'Rockstar' team member leading their customer projects?  Whether you’re looking to hire one, or find yourself wearing multiple hats and filling the PM role yourself, make sure that your project leadership demonstrates these 5 character traits to guide your business to success:

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