Posts by

Rebecca Salzman

Progressive, tech-savvy marketing visionary that visually defines complex ideas while staying on brand and putting the audience and data first.

Revolutionize Your Web Design with Clarity

First Impressions Count: The Impact of Web Design on Lead Generation

In the digital era, a company's first impression is often made through its website. A well-designed website that beautifully merges aesthetics with functionality plays a crucial role in a business's lead-generation efforts. However, the challenge of achieving this blend often comes with high costs and significant time investments. A powerful CMS theme can be a game-changer, providing businesses the edge needed to make a standout first impression.

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Making a Lasting First Impression - Clarity Pro

Transform Your Web Presence with 1406 Consulting’s New HubSpot CMS Theme, Clarity Pro
First impressions are critical in lead-generation efforts. A stunning website that combines aesthetics with functionality stands out to potential customers and sets the tone for their experience with your brand. However, custom website design and maintenance can be both expensive and time-consuming.

At 1406 Consulting, we understand that your business is not just a collection of services—it's a story waiting to be told. We are excited to introduce "Clarity," our latest HubSpot CMS Theme crafted to revolutionize web design and enhance your lead-generation strategy.

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Develop Your Website in Less Time Than It Takes to Grow a Beard
We're guessing the specific timeline depends on the face that's growing the hair, but for our purposes in this article, let's all agree that it takes about 4 to 8 weeks to grow a beard. Are you re-reading the blog title in disbelief? Yeah, we're saying you can have a fully designed and developed website in less than the 4 weeks it takes a man with Chia Pet genes to be ready for his lumberjack Halloween costume 🤯
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Navigating Data Privacy and Instagram Threads: Understanding, Recognizing Risks, and Guarding your Digital Self

In the digital age, data privacy has become a cornerstone of every online interaction we partake in. One of the notable examples is Instagram Threads, an app developed by Facebook for sharing photo messages with your Instagram Friends. With the rise of these interactive platforms comes the pressing issue of data privacy. This blog post will dive deep into data privacy as it pertains to Instagram Threads, outline how it works, and what to be wary of to ensure your data remains as private as possible.

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That’s why CRM automation is so important. By automating customer relationship management, you can do far more than save time. You can use automation to get renewed insight into the trajectory of your leads and opportunities, and find new ways to make it even better.
DIY Isn't The Way: Automating Authentic Client Relationships

Have you ever found yourself drowning in spreadsheets and contact logs, trying to keep track of all your client interactions? Then you’ll know - trying to keep track of client relationships manually can be a real pain in the you-know-what. That’s why CRM automation is so important. By automating customer relationship management, you can do far more than save time. You can use automation to get renewed insight into the trajectory of your leads and opportunities, and find new ways to make it even better.

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Exploring The Power of Retargeting

You’re Creating Tailored Experiences For Your Audience, Right?

In the world of marketing, where every click, scroll, and tap is a potential opportunity to connect with your audience. But let's face it, sometimes it feels like you're trying to hit a bullseye with a rubber band. With retargeting, hitting your target becomes so much easier. Retargeting tracks your website visitors and serves them the ads tailored specifically to their interests and browsing behavior to create a more engaging experience as they interact with your brand. So instead of shooting rubber bands all over the place hoping to hit your mark, let’s show you how your marketing can hit the mark with HubSpot retargeting. 

Hitting the target with retargeting. Before you start tailoring your marketing, let’s talk about the two retargeting options available:

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